No installation required
Using Factory, project leads can schedule and monitor project execution locally. Because the application is stand alone and requires no configuration or third-party product, the application can be installed in seconds.

No files
Factory concept is based on local repositories of actors and projects, meaning the user does not manage files manually but controls actors, teams and projects from the same interface.

Actor availability and absences are entered once
Defining actors enables leads to track the availability of project members. Absences are entered at actor level, and public holidays are entered only once.

Several teams can participate to multiple projects
Once actors are defined, several teams can be created, and those teams can participate to several projects. All actors, teams and projects are available from the same interface.

Version based plans
Based on a project definition, the project lead needs to create plans where he defines constraints, risks and assignments - but also events and unidentified resources. Plans are version based, which means the lead creates new plans of the same project from time to time, based on previous schedule and completion, plus adjustments.

Forecasts and statuses
From one plan, the system generates a detailed forecast schedule, including tasks assignments, events and absences. Project progress and status can be entered in order to report project execution, monitor risks and required adjustments.

Data sharing, synchronization and emails
Users (actors) can share data easily with no third-party software, whatever the operating system. Projects, plans, forecasts can be shared and synchronized. Actions can be assigned to several people and are routed via network or emails.


Calendar: display dates using a calendar view at any time
Diagram: display dates using a diagram view at any time
Printable document: generate a document you can print from any data at any time
Backup: backup your database
Restore: restore your database
Import: import your database
Dictionary: multi-language application
Servers: define links to other actors' data
Support: track incidents on SourceForge
Time-zone: define time zones
Default: define a default location for new actors
Workdays: define work days
Actors: display actors by location
Holiday Schedules
Calendar: define public holidays
Default: define a default holiday schedule for new actors
Actors: display actors by holiday schedule
Position: define a position for each actor
Reports to: define who reports to who in the organization
Phone number: define a phone number
e-Mails: define e-mails for notification
Location: define a location in order to identify work days and time zone
Holiday Schedule: define a holiday schedule for public holidays
Absences: define absences for each actor
Skills: track skills per actor
Teams: display on which teams an actor belongs to
Reporting: display actors reporting
Projects: display on which projects the actor is a member of
Lead: define a team lead
Members: define team members, with from and to dates
Absences: display absences of team members
Skills: display skills of team members
Projects: display on which projects the team is assigned to
Business Processes
Tasks: define tasks defined as template for future projects
Projects: display which projects are defined using the business process
Begin date: define a begin date
Target end date: define a target end date
Lead: define a project lead
Teams: define which teams are assigned to the project
Actors: display teams members
Availability: define special availability constraints per actor on the project
Skills: display skills of teams members
Scope: define a project scope
Tasks: define the tasks of the project
Version: plans are versions based
Begin date: define a begin date
Workday hours: define the number of worked hours per day
Anonymous: define additional resources
Events: define events or absences specific to the project or teams members
Phases: define phases in the plan
Constraints: define constraints between tasks
Risks: monitor the risks
Workload: define workload for tasks
Completed: adjust completion estimates
Assignments: assign tasks to actors or anonymous
Begin date: display begin date
End Date: display end date
Summary: display a summary of tasks begin and end dates
Phases: display a summary of phases begin and end dates
Weekly: display a summary of tasks per week
Assignments: display assignments week by week
Completed: display completion estimate from previous forecast
Daily: display details of every task, absence, events daily
Date: define a status date
%Complete: define % complete of tasks
Workload: define workload adjustments
Completed: adjust completion estimates
Phases: display % complete per phase
Risks: monitor risks
From: define a from date for tracking
To: define a to date for tracking
Scheduled: define tracking based on scheduled tasks
Unscheduled: define tracking based on non scheduled tasks
Totals: display totals
Cumulated: display cumulated totals for the whole project

Recipients: define recipients with roles and displays a status
Steps: define detailed steps within the action with a status
Project: display a project attached to the action (if any)
Task: display a task attached to the action (if any)
Begin date: display the begin date scheduled for the action
End date: display the end date scheduled for the action
Schedule: display details of the task schedule